
Recipe Book Monday

Can we all agree that Monday's are the worst day of the week? I was sitting here at work today, thinking, how can I make Monday's better? How can I make Monday's more exciting? My answer: Recipe Book Monday's. Some explanation below..

When my husband and I moved into our new home recently, it was very apparent that I have a cookbook obsession. I have a ton of books, including some that I haven't even had the chance to glance at! Starting this coming week (6/15), I am going to randomly select different recipes from many different books. We are hoping to find a lot of great ideas and new flavors to experiment with! I am sure there will be some recipes that we don't particularly love, some that we will want to make again and again, and some that we can even improve to our very own taste!

From these 52 recipes throughout the year (one each week), we will share the book title, author, a review and picture of the finished product! We hope you enjoy this journey with Kevin and I!

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